Art dealer, gallerist, collector and museum founder: Ernst Beyeler devoted his whole life to art. He was personally acquainted with great artists like Picasso and Giacometti. He was a co-founder of Art Basel and created one of the world’s most beautiful museums, in Riehen, where he also lived. In the first comprehensive biography of Ernst Beyeler, Esther Keller traces his path from running a small antiquarian bookshop to establishing the internationally renowned Fondation Beyeler. Drawing on accounts and anecdotes from family members, friends and business partners, and including previously unpublished photographs, she sheds new light on the eventful life of Ernst Beyeler.
Dieses Kunstbuch stellt das grosse malerische OEuvre von Peter Baer, das sich in einer spannungsreichen Zone zwischen Figuration und Abstraktion bewegt, erstmals in einer umfassenden Monografie vor.
Einen Sack Flöhe zu hüten, ist vermutlich leichter, als fünfzehn Künstlerinnen und Künstler unter einen Hut zu bekommen, die im Rahmen einer vergnüglichen gemeinsamen Anstrengung «Strassenbilder» für Basel entwerfen.